
Immortal throne diablo 3 nothing happens
Immortal throne diablo 3 nothing happens

immortal throne diablo 3 nothing happens

Upon entering, the players witness a long hall with dozens of Barbarian spirits standing silently on the path to the Throne. It serves absolutely no gameplay role, as it contains few, if any, monsters, and only a few breakable objects.

immortal throne diablo 3 nothing happens

The Immortal Throne can be found in the Ruins of Sescheron ( Elder Sanctum) in Act III ( Adventure Mode only) of Diablo III, as an optional area to the north of the Kanai's Cube vault. However, it never came to pass, as Sescheron was sacked, and Kanai killed in the siege, though upon death, his body had been put on the Throne. Throughout its history, only two Barbarians have ever been given the honor of sitting on the throne, including Bul-Kathos himself.Ĭhief Elder Kanai was under consideration for the honor as well.

immortal throne diablo 3 nothing happens

The Immortal Throne was a cultural icon in Barbarian society, prior to the scattering of their people by Baal.

Immortal throne diablo 3 nothing happens